Ready-made Companies

For the clients seeking a company for immediate operation, Apeiron advisory s.r.o. offers purchase of a ready-made company incorporated in the Czech Republic.

The following companies are ready for immediate transfer:

Business name: Vae victis s.r.o.

Legal form:  společnost s ručením omezeným (limited liability company)

Incorporation: 2014

ID No.: 02806410

Business seat: Prague

Price: CZK 16.990,- 

Business name: Aurea prima a.s.

Legal form:  akciová společnost (joint stock company)

Share capital: CZK 2.000.000,-

Incorporation: 2014

ID No.: 3095282

Business seat: Prague

Price: CZK 74.900,- 

If you are interested in other companies, please, do not hesitate to contact us. We update the list as frequently as possible but it may be the case that some companies are not listed or some may have been transferred already.

Please, do not hesitate to e-mail us at for further information.


Apeiron advisory s.r.o.
Kaprova 42/14
110 00 Praha

Obchodní korporace založená dle českého práva zapsaná Městským soudem v Praze, vedená pod sp. zn. C 215531, IČ: 02117495

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